Monday, January 2, 2012

2012 Challenge

In this months Enisgn Pres. Monson wrote, “I challenge [all] to undertake a personal, diligent, significant quest for what I call the abundant life.” We talked as a family about what one thing each of us wanted to do this year.
  • Greta wants to go to the museum on reptile night and pet the snake and lizards.
  • Lucy wants to go to Alivia's house, the park, and the museum to pet the frogs.
  • I want to learn how to sew following a pattern and make a dress for myself.
  • Neil would like to compete in two bike races (at least one of them being a century--100 miles long).
  • Greta added that she would like to watch her dad's bike races.
  • The girls and I also decided we would try to read together every night.
If we can't accomplish these items, I will officially declare 2012 a failure.

Last year at the Boise Zoo where Greta repeated over and over, "This is the best day ever!"

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